Auction items

  • Your donation will be listed on the tournament website
  • A photo, description, value, and link to your website will be included with each donation.  
  • Your company website & twitter handle included in the thank you ad and print program for donations over $100
  • Company website & twitter handle included in digital media and the on-screen feeds
  • Social media mentions, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn with link to your website
  • Donate online - see form below or email
    • when filling out the form, give a general description - with our without a photo is fine
    • email your photos and a full description

#BuyBC #ShopLocal #SupportSmallBusiness #ShopBC 

Thank you to our generous donors and sponsors - we couldn't do it without you!

This form is used to collect information for all items, products, services and in kind donations.

Items may be used for auctions, prizing, raffle, giveaways, gift boxes. Thank you so much for your support.